When Seamless Videoconferencing Connectivity Matters


  • AV Technology
  • HDBaseT
  • Valens
  • Crestron

About This Webinar

AV and IT professionals have a responsibility to provide corporate customers with dependable plug-and-play videoconferencing spaces. Whether daily collaboration, all-hands meetings, or mission-critical communications, these spaces must deploy the right connectivity solution to avoid downtime. Many of today's solutions can be complicated, unreliable, and expensive.

A panel of experts including Valens, the inventors of HDBaseT technology, will discuss the important topic of choosing the best seamless connectivity solution for all your videoconferencing spaces.

  1. Cindy Davis

    Host Cindy Davis Webinar Moderator & Content Director AV Technology

  2. Effi Goldstein

    Featuring Effi Goldstein President HDBaseT Alliance

  3. Gabi Shriki

    Featuring Gabi Shriki Senior Vice President, Audio-Video Valens Semiconductor

  4. Jeremy Vierck

    Featuring Jeremy Vierck Engineering Manager AVI-SPL

  5. Sam Kennedy

    Featuring Sam Kennedy Senior Director, Product Marketing Crestron

What You'll Learn

  1. IT departments can choose a reliable AV system that guarantees uptime.
  2. A streamlined solution can support multi-camera setups for enhanced AI capabilities.
  3. The New HDBaseT-USB3 standard enables next-gen videoconferencing products.
  4. To implement toggling between BYOM and Appliance Mode over a single Category cable